Getting started and where we are now….

Since our last meeting, Michael Mayer and Cameron Blandy came from City of Surrey GIS section to teach the Geography 11/12 students how to use the Esri Canada ArcGIS mapping software. ArcGIS is, according to Michael, the most sophisticated open source software that one can use without knowing how to code, and he said that codeless GIS is the way the industry is moving. It was great that our senior students were able to use this cutting edge technology to identify and document important community services for our junior students. Students created test maps and apps using their research about the Surrey Johnston Heights neighbourhood. They could not collaborate on the app, but will create it bit by bit with Sarah's account by the end of next week. We also finally received all of our equipment last week. Sarah, our Geo 11/12 teacher has started playing around with the Go Pro cameras and will try to do something with her students next week. If not, as it is close to winter ...